Howdy! Welcome to my little corner of the web :3

I'm still learning how to write in HTML/CSS, so this is a construction site. Be careful and wear proper PPE!

Also still figuring out what I want to do with this place exactly. I think there are two things: document and celebrate my hobbies, and blog. I've never had a blog, or really read blogs. What do people do with blogs? I think I just want to use it as a journal. Would that be weird?

I'm a 25 y/o trans girl from NE USA. I work in a science lab, doing science and stuff. I have ADHD, and thus many hobbies and interests I bounce between. A running theme between them is fixing things. I like to learn how to fix or mend things to keep them being used instead of throwing them away. It just makes sense to yknow? Like from an efficiency standpoint. I think about the journey an object took to get to me. Its materials dug up from deep in the ground and refined into stock (some of these things lived whole lives millions of years ago and slowly morphed into the thing they are today!!). Shipped then to a manufacturer who made them into this object. Shipped a great distance (even as far as from the other side of the whole planet!!). Driven to a store, and put on the shelf. Then taken home by someone. So much time energy and resources went into creating this object, from start to finish, almost regardless of what it is. It feels a waste to just say, oh well, time to buy a new one! And throw it away, when the fix to keep it fulfilling its purpose wasn't that hard. Anyways I'm rambling, we'll see where things lead :3

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